Women Development Cell

Women Development Cell


  • To establish a forum around topics of shared interest in women's welfare for the benefit of female university staff members who teach and do not teach.
  • To take preventative measures against modern challenges like gender discrimination and sexual harassment.
  • To create a welcoming, secure, and healthy atmosphere for female students and workers so they can reach their full potential.
  • To accommodate the demands of female staff members and students and to establish a suitable working environment.
  • To establish procedures to prevent and address cases of sexual harassment at work, as well as to provide norms for a secure workplace where female employees and students can work with dignity.

Establishing a gender-neutral environment that supports women's independence, safety, well-being, and dignity while also providing them with the rights and opportunities that will enrich their future.

The University Women Development Cell at is responsible for raising awareness of gender equality, women's rights, and ways to improve everyone's general wellbeing, including university students, faculty, staff, and contract and hourly workers.
All genders within the University area must be provided with a respectful, welcoming atmosphere in order to empower them to manage their personal and professional life
In order to empower women to realise their full potential and to improve organisational and social life, UWDC will keep working to create possibilities that are fair to both sexes and society as a whole.


S.NO Name of the Member Designation Designation in Committee Phone Number Official E. mail
1. PROF. MALVIKA KANDPAL PROFESSOR CHAIRPERSON 9897988674 dean.soe@sgrru.ac.in
2. DR. BALBIR KAUR ASSO.PROFESSOR MEMBER SECRETARY 7017411278 drbalbirkaur@sgrru.ac.in
3 DR. NEHA CHAUHAN ASST.PROFESSOR MEMBER 9634270042 nehachauhan@sgrru.ac.in
4 DR SONIYA GAMBHIR ASST.PROFESSOR MEMBER 9759002659 soniagambhir@sgrru.ac.in
5 DR. HIMANKI DABRAL ASST.PROFESSOR MEMBER 9458145162 himankidabral@sgrru.ac.in
6 DR. SHREYA KOTNALA ASST.PROFESSOR MEMBER 8791311332 shreyakotnala@sgrru.ac.in
8 DR. VANI TRIPATHI SHARMA ASST.PROFESSOR MEMBER 9634417735 Vanisharma0709@gmail.com
9 DR. GARIMA SINGH ASST.PROFESSOR MEMBER 7898028272 garimasingh@sgrru.ac.in
10 DR. ANUJA ROHILLA ASST.PROFESSOR MEMBER 7579191251 anujarohilla@sgrru.ac.in
