Examination Cell


For any enquiry

Examination Cell Overview

Exam Cell Contact Number


The Controller of Examination is the Principal Officer for conduction all examinations for the University and for declaring their results. He shall work directly under the supervision, direction and control of the Vice Chancellor. The eligibility criteria, emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of the Controller of Examinations shall be as laid down in the Ordinance. The Controller of Examinations shall be the Member Secretary of the Board of Examinations and of Committees constituted by it.

"Role and Responsibilities of the Controller of Examination


The Controller of Examination, SGRR University Dehradun (Uttarakhand), is responsible for:

  • Preparing and scheduling university examinations for all courses.
  • Coordinating central evaluation of answer sheets.
  • Declaring and printing examination results.
  • Issuing grade cards, marks cards, degrees, migration certificates, transcripts, and duplicate documents (if lost).
  • Providing information to the student regarding examination prior
  • To maintain Examination process
  • Conducting all university examinations.


Additionally, the Examination Cell provides:

  • Verification services to government entities, educational institutions, private and corporate sectors.
  • Genuine certification services to various stakeholders.

The Examination Cell maintains a comprehensive record of all examination-related activities.


Dr. Sanjay Sharma Pokhriyal
Controller of Examination
SGRR University Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
coe@sgrru.ac.in | +91-9412052329

