Shri Guru Ram Rai University recognizes the importance of library as an excellent learning resource. SGRRU is well equipped with three library and information resource centers, along with more than 30 departmental libraries. The university libraries houses in 5097 sq. m. area and consists of an adequately rich collection of over 1 lac books. Our libraries own subscription of more than 219 national and international print journals in the field of medical, pharmacy, management, applied sciences, social sciences etc. The library has access to numerous e-journals, e-books and other e-resources. The world class facilities of library consists of reading halls, faculty lounge, competitive exam sections, WI-FI facility, reprographic facility and CCTV surveillance etc. SGRRU Libraries are automated by ILMS and OPAC through internet. The library is a member of DELNET, EBSCO (Academic elite), JSTOR, SPSS, IJOR, K-HUB, EBSCO HOST, UPTODATE for bibliographic and full text e-resources. The university is the member of Indian electronic thesis and dissertation digital library called “ Shodh Sindhu” & “Shodh Ganga” for enhancing transparency and honesty in research.