Masters in Nursing (Msc Nursing) course college in Dehradun

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Course Overview

School SGRRIM&HS College of Nursing
Eligibility The Minimum education requirements shall be the passing of: B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc. Hons. Nursing/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing with minimum of 55% aggregate marks.
Duration 2 Years
Admission Process

Download Syllabus(MSc Nursing)

M.Sc Nursing is a postgraduate course which deals with theories and principles of nursing and allied sciences. It specializes in many branches: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Pediatric Nursing & Community Health Nursing.

Being a postgraduate Nurse, candidates with specialized qualification have wider job prospects such as Teaching Institutes, in hospitals as Director/Chief Nursing Officer. They can also work in different capacities like Public Health Nursing, Industrial Nursing, Nurse Educators and many more.They enjoy attractive emoluments and perks ,promotions too.If you are willing to pursue higher studies, you can do Doctoral Program to find a better career.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The candidate should be a Registered Nurse and Registered midwife of equivalent with any State Nursing Registration Council. 
  • The Minimum education requirements shall be the passing of: B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc. Hons. Nursing/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing with minimum of 55% aggregate marks.
  • The candidate should have undergone in B.Sc. Nursing / B.Sc. Hons. Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing in an institution which is recognized by Indian Nursing Council.
  • Minimum one year of work experience after Basic B.Sc. Nursing.
  • Minimum one year of work experience prior or after Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing.

NOTE: Simultaneous attendance in other courses is not permitted. It will be applicable to all the above courses.

Admission Procedure

  • Candidates are advised to verify their own eligibility carefully before applying for registration, as the fee will not be refunded if a candidate is found ineligible for the course.
  • All information filled in the registration form must be correct and complete as the admission of a candidate securing admission on the basis of incorrect or false or concealed information is liable to be cancelled at any stage.
  • Registration forms for admission duly filled in should reach the office of the Institute/College on or before the date mentioned in the admission notice/form.
  • Selection of candidate is purely on ENTRANCE BASIS conducted by the College.

Placement Record

SGRR College of Nursing has been excelling in placements in quality and quantity across the globe. They have made there place in Military, Government sectors, Private Sectors and Abroad as well.

Fee Structure for the session 2024-25

Academic year

Admission Fee

Tuition Fee

University Enrollment Fee

Institution Security

University Examination Fee

Internal Examination Fee

Uniform Charges

Medical Examination

Convocation Fee

Lab Charges

Clinical Training Fee




























  • Mess Charges Rs. 66000/- per annum (may be revised from time to time in between session)
  • Hostel Fee Rs. 44000 per annum
  • Hostel security charges Rs. 5000/- (one time & refundable)
  • Laundary charges Rs. 8800/- per annum (may be revised from time to time in between session)


Program Outcome (POs)

On Completion of the two year M.Sc Nursing programme, the graduate will be able to Students will be able to
Utilize/apply the concepts, theories and principles of nursing science.
Demonstrate advance competence in practice of nursing
Practice as a nurse specialist.
Demonstrate leadership qualities.
Function effectively as nurse educator and manager.
Demonstrate skill in conducting nursing research, interpreting
Utilizing the findings from health-related research.
Demonstrate the ability to plan and effect change in nursing practice and in
The health care delivery system.
Establish collaborative relationship with members of other disciplines
Demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement.
Apply critical thinking skills and ethical decision making required for advancing practices.

Program Specific Outcome (PSO)

M.Sc. Nursing opens up opportunities for higher education like and P.hD.
Uses advanced assessment, diagnostic reasoning, evidenced based interventions sand Evaluation
Skills for improving client health outcomes.
Supports quality,evidence based safe and cost-effective healthcare.

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