Best masters (Mcom) of commerce course colleges in Dehradun, Uttarakhand India

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Course Overview

School School of Management & Commerce Studies
Eligibility B. com with minimum 45% marks.
Duration 2 Years
Admission Process On the basis of Entrance Exam /Merit

Syllabus 2021-22 Syllabus 2017-18

The course such as M.Com is still coveted by virtue of its potential worth in various sectors such as Corporate, Banking, Finance ,Administrative, and academics

After M.Com a student can choose a career path according to their personal interest and predilection. The program is generally focused on different disciplines like accounting, actuarial science, business management, corporate governance, human resource management, economics, statistics, finance, and marketing or supply chain management. Other alternatives includes career in

In addition to this, M. Com post graduates can apply for jobs in the Govt. sector. All Masters in Commerce programs provides useful practical knowledge. Additionally, with the inputs of our Industry experts on our various academic councils, we ensure that our curriculum matches the dynamic corporate needs. Our academics also combines industry experience with cutting-edge research, so a student of M. Com at SGRRU is exposed to new ideas well before they’re published. Higher Studies Options after M. Com

After completing M.Com, students can go for various courses which includes:

  • Doctorate Degree
  • International Finance Reporting Standards
  • Certificate Course in Banking, Stock Market, Derivatives, Income Tax

Q1. What if a student fails to register before the last date?

Ans. The student may call the admission cell. She/he has to provide relevant reasons thereof and may request for an extension of dates to submit the DD for his/her registration. Final decision in this regard will be taken by the concerned authorities.

Q2. Final year students – how to apply for the course when the final semester results area awaited?

Ans. Final year students can apply and take provisional admission, but they have to fulfill the criteria in the first 2 years of graduation. Their admission will be confirmed once result of final year is submitted.

Q3. How will I find about the confirmation of my admission?

Ans. You will receive a letter from the Admission head. Details about fees/ hostel/ orientation and documents required will be enclosed with your College Admission Information Letter.

Q4. Can I enroll myself for a certificate course along with my regular graduation course?

Ans. Yes, many colleges offer part time certificate courses in office management, foreign languages etc. However, it is advisable not to enroll yourself for any of these during the 1st year. In first year try to understand how your regular course works and you can plan about your certificate course accordingly.

Q5. Are there any drawbacks for the gap year students?

Ans. No, all you need is to provide the necessary documents.

Q6. After the declaration of the cut-off, are students given admission on the first come first serve basis?

Ans. Yes. Admission in the college is based on first come first serve policy.

Q7. Are there special reservations for NCC cadets/NSS?

Ans. The University has no special quota for NCC/NSS in any of the schools.

Q8. From where can I get information about admission?

Ans. You can get information about admission from the following sources:-

  • University website:
  • University Information Centre- Phone no (0135) 2721763, 2726209, 2726435, 2726457Mob.:07248889111, 07248889222
  • You can visit Admission Cell Address :Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Technology & Science, Patel Nagar, Dehradun – 248001 (Uttarakhand)
  • Fax: (0135) 2721762
  • Email:,
Q9. Does the candidate need to be present on the day of admission?

Ans. Yes, candidate must be present on the day of admission in the college along with all the required documents.

Q10. Can I take admission in two different/same courses in different colleges after declaration of a cut off?

Ans. No, you cannot take admission simultaneously in two different courses or same course in different colleges. In case you take admission in two different colleges/universities at the same time, your admission will be cancelled from both the colleges/courses.

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