To investigate and review complaints or grievances of students, staff and faculty members.
To create awareness of availability of members for students, staff and faculty members to report grievances.
To investigate the cause of grievances.
To resolve the grievance with the help of members depending upon the gravity of the case
To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among the stakeholders, thereby maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in the University campus.
To ensure that grievances are resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity and in complete confidentiality.
UNIVERSITY GRIEVANCES REDRESSAL CELL: UGRC handles the function of remedying of grievances. It is guided by Chairperson of the committee. The committee will consider only formal written application or shared online grievances. The committee will put its best efforts in order to arrive at a right decision / amicable solution expeditiously. Timely circulars issued by the government on redressing specific grievance will also uploaded on the University website The Grievance Redressal Cell consists of the following members (2021-2022):
S.No. |
Name |
School/College |
Designation |
Contact No. |
Email ID |
1 |
Dr.Anil Kumar Saxena |
School of Agricultural Sciences |
Chairperson |
7983111711 |
dranilksaxena@gmail.c om |
2 |
Dr. Divya Negi Ghai |
School of Management & Commerce studies |
Member Secretary |
9897522897 |
divyanegighai@sgrru.ac .in |
3 |
Dr.Mandeep Narang |
School of Management & Commerce studies |
Member |
7895784690 |
mandeepnarang@sgrru. ac.in |
4 |
Dr. Meenakshi Bisht |
School of Computer Application & Information Technology |
Member |
9149367748 |
meenakshibist@sgrru.ac .in |
5 |
Dr.Sandeep Chopra |
School of Computer Application & Information Technology |
Member |
9897884345 |
sandeepchopra@sgrru.a c.in |
6 |
Prof.(Dr.)Manoj Gahlot |
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Member |
9412382491 |
chmanojg@gmail.com |
7 |
Dr.Meenakshi Bhatt |
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Member |
9410961919 |
mp_31@rediffmail.com |
8 |
Prof.(Dr.) AshishKulshest ra |
School of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Member |
9411528492 |
drashish1973@gmail.co m |
9 |
Dr. Garima Singh |
School of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Member |
7818074048 |
mini.30011990@gmail. com |
10 |
Dr.Shobha |
School of Agricultural Sciences |
Member |
7060187205 |
bishtsobha0519@gmail. com |
11 |
Dr.SwetaSahni |
School of Basic and Applied Sciences |
Member |
9756208105 |
drshwetasahni@gmail.c om |
12 |
Dr.Pankaj Chmoli |
School of Basic and Applied Sciences |
Member |
7579047317 |
pchamoli83@gmail.com |
13 |
Dr.AnirbanPatr a |
School of Paramedical Sciences |
Member |
8126657833 |
Anirbanpatra17@gmail. com |
14 |
Dr.Neeraj Kumar |
School of Paramedical Sciences |
Member |
7895795277 |
nirajkumar@sgrrmc.co m |
15 |
Mrs. Rakhi Chand |
College of Nursing |
Member |
9897364202 |
rakhichand83@gmail.co m |
16 |
Mrs. Kirti Harjai |
College of Nursing |
Member |
9837529678 |
kirti.harjai287@gmail.c om |
17 |
Dr.Anand Kumar |
School of Education |
Member |
7017286899 |
drakumar_70@hotmail. com |
18 |
Dr.Balbir Kaur |
School of Education |
Member |
9410712145 |
drbalbirkaur@sgrru.ac.in n |
View Document 
Role and Functions of UGRC:
The UGRC shall exercise the following role and perform the following functions, namely
On receipt of the written complaint or online complaint / grievance, the Registrar notifies the grievance to the committee members by sending the formal letters or mails for process them further.
To attend all applications relating to the grievances. The concerned committee shall investigate the cases directed accordingly.
To entertain and consider the grievances of the students/staff. It may hear the students/staff in person by giving opportunities of hearing.
To provide with proper advocacy to aggrieved student/staff to express their grievances freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized.
To analyze the merits of grievances and conduct formal hearings and investigation as the case may be
To protect the privacy and confidentiality of all parties during the investigation, consistent with and subject to the policy guidelines.
To obtain the facts through relevant sources in a fair and objective manner.
To ensure speedy disposal of every grievance application.
If the UGRC feels it necessary to verify the grievances personally it may authorize any members of the UGRC or any other authorized persons to visit the concerned establishment and find out the authenticity of the grievances.
The UGRC shall not discuss with any sub-judice grievances.
It shall make efforts to settle the disputes amicably.
To prepare and submit the recommendations relating to the redressal of grievances to the concerned.
To prepare Minutes and Action Taken Report of the meeting of UGRC and submit it to the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, SGRR University, Dehradun for his/her information.
To prepare Annual Report regarding working of the UGRC and submit it to the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, SGRR University, Dehradun for his/her information.
To perform such other duties and discharge such other functions, for the purpose of effectively implementing these rules, as the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor may direct.
Process flowchart for redressal of Grievances

On receipt of Grievances, the following time line must be followed by University Grievance Redressal Cell (UGRC):
On receipt of Grievance, the Secretary of UGRC should enter the same in a Register meant for the purpose.
Secretary, UGRC to call for the meeting within 5 days from the receipt of the grievances and to place the same before the University Grievance Redressal Cell for discussion and for appropriate decision.
The decision of the UGRC with the approval of the Competent Authority must be communicated to the aggrieved person within 15 days from the date of receipt of the grievance/s.
Grievance/s disposed off within 15 days.