News & Events

TECH-HOUSE Club, SCAIT Organised Quizathon - 2022

DSA Quizathon-2022 was organised by Tech-House, School of CA & IT on 11 & 12th October in SBAS Auditorium, SGRR University. The event was inaugurated by Dean, School of CA & IT. Event and Technical Club Coordinator, Mr. Pradeep Semwal enlightened the students with importance of Data Structure and Algorithms in Computer Science.

The event was conducted in two stages. In preliminary round, 42 students participated in written test in which 6 teams were selected for second round. Four teams participated in Grand Finale. 

After gruelling sessions, Aditya Negi & Anuj Panthri of MCA I Sem emerged as winners and Akhilesh Negi & Akash Negi of MCA III Sem as runners-up.

The event was concluded with certificate distribution and vote of thanks. With the sincere efforts of members of Tech- House Club, the program went very well and was appreciated by all.

