Department of Seed Science and Technology, SAS, SGRR University Dehradun hosted one day ‘Awareness cum Training Programme’ on ‘Protection of Traditional Varieties under PPV&FR Act’ on the occasion of International Seeds Day on 26th April 2022
The Department of Seed Science and Technology, School of Agricultural Sciences, hosted one day ‘Awareness cum Training Programme’ on ‘Protection of Traditional Varieties under PPV&FR Act’ on the occasion of International Seeds Day on 26th April 2022. Dr. Harsh Mehta, Principal Scientist (Retd.), Genetics & Plant Breeding, ICAR was the honoured distinguished guest and keynote speaker of the program. The program was inaugurated by the distinguished guest, Dr. Harsh Mehta and the Chief Guest, Prof. (Dr.) U. S. Rawat, Honourable Vice Chancellor, SGRR University.
Honorable Vice Chancellor Sir, focused the deliberation on the relevance of conserving and protection of the traditional varieties. He further motivated the students about the relevance and impact of the seed science in present agricultural scenario. The deliberation of Dr. Mehta shed light on the protection of the varieties under the act. He detailed the procedure of the protection for the welfare of students and farmers. He motivated students to diligently focus on the criteria’s of variety protection and understand the rights of farmers, breeders and researchers. At the end of the program, Dr. Girish Chandra, Head, Department of Seed Science & Technology, shed light on the achievements of the Department of Seed Sciences & Technology with Vote of Thanks.