An Induction Prog for 1st Year Hospital administration students was organized at School of Management and Commerce Studies , SGRRU on 28th Sep 2022.
The welcome address in program was given Dr.Bincy Pothen , HOD & Associate Professor , Department of Hospital Administration, SMCS. The chief guest of the program was Honorable Vice Chancellor, SGRRU . Dr.U.S Rawat. The event was also graced by the Registrar, SGRRU, Dr. Deepak Sahni and Dean SMCS, Dr.Vipul Jain . Honorable Vice Chancellor , Dr.U.S Rawat . The chief guest and other guests were welcomed by presenting plant sapling .
The senior students of MHA 3rd semester and BHA 3rd semester performed various cultural program for the welcome of the junior students. Dr. Bincy Pothen presented a report on the journey of Hospital Administration Programme at SGRRU since 2010 onwards and its accomplishments in a decade. In this event the core faculties of HA Dr. Mamta Bansal , Mr. Mandeep Narang were also present. At the end vote of thanks was given by Dr. Neha Ghildiyal Assistant Professor, Department of Hospital Administration, SMCS, SGRRU