A One Day National Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (I.P.R.) was organized by the Innovation and Incubation Centre (I.I.C.) of Shri Guru Ram Rai University. This National Workshop at the auditorium of SGRR University on the title ‘IPR Based Innovative Ideas for Start-ups’ was organized in collaboration with Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology (UCOST), Govt. of Uttarakhand. The opening ceremony of this workshop was done jointly by the Chief Guest, Scientist, UCOST, Dr. Himanshu Goel, Shri Guru Ram Rai University’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Kumud Saklani, Registrar, Dr. Lokesh Gambhir and Director, Innovation & Incubation Centre, Prof. Dr. Dwarika Maithani by lamp lighting. Welcome address was delivered by Dr. Dwarika Maithani welcoming all the participants. He explained the subject and objective of the workshop. After this, Saraswati Vandana was sung by the students which turned the atmosphere spiritual. Chief Guest and Speaker Dr. Himanshu Goel delivered lecture over the topic ‘An Overview of IPR issues and Management. He provided the information that Patent, Copyright and Trademark are various types of Intellectual Property. He explained the difference among these three types of Intellectual Property.
Second Speaker Principal Scientist, Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation (I.I.S.W.C.), Dr. M. Muruganandam delivered lecture over the topic ‘Agri-Enterpreneurship: I.P.R. Based Innovations and Start-ups’.
Third Speaker Scientist E, GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Almora, Govt. of India, Dr. Ashok Sahani delivered lecture over the topic ‘Role of Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship in Green Economy’.
Fourth Speaker I.P.R. Coordinator, Gurukul Kangri University, Prof. Satyendra Rajput delivered lecture over the topic ‘Ideation for IPR: Challenges and Opportunities’. Fifth Speaker GB Pant Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uttarakhand’s Dr. Arun Bhatt gave lecture over the topic ‘Intellectual Property Rights: its implications in Agriculture and Biothechnology’. After this, twenty faculty members and students were honoured with mementoes and certificates for their Best Innovative Ideas.
A Vote of Thanks was proposed by Director, Innovation and Incubation Centre, Dr. Dwarika Maithani. Stage anchoring was done by student Ankita Rawat. The programme concluded with the National Anthem.
Significant roles were also played by Dr. Manisha Maiduly, Dr. Pankaj Chamoli, Dr. Meenu Chaudhary, Dr. Pooja Jain, Deans, faculty members and students of all the schools of Shri Guru Ram Rai University in making the workshop a success. More than 800 faculty members and students participated in the workshop.