Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)-DEVINDER PAL-NATIONAL ELOCUTION COMPETITION-2022, for Uttarakhand State Level Round was conducted at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, SGRR University, Dehradun on 3rd December 2022 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The convener of the event was Prof. Dr.Alka N. Choudhary (Dean, SPS, SGRRU), Prof. Dr. H.R. Chitme (President IPA, Uttarakhand), and Dr. AnujNautiyal (Associate Professor, SPS, SGRRU).The topic for the IPA State level elocution competition was “Pharmacy United in Action for a Healthier World”. In the event 27 students participated from different pharmacy colleges of Uttarakhand. Kritika Saini (M.Pharm, Pharmacology-Ist Semester, SPS, SGRRU) secured First Position and SanskritiSemwal (Pharm-D, VIthYear, SPs, SGRRU) secured Second position.