FACULTY - Department of Pharmacy Practice

Ms. Shipra Omar

Area of Interest : Pharmacovigilence, Clinical research, Pulmonology, Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacoepidemiology
Qualifications- M. Pharm (Clinical Pharmacy)

Brief profile and Achievements:

Brief profile and Achievements:

Assistant Professor

Designation : Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacy Practice shipraomar@sgrru.ac.in
  • Area of Specialization:

    Pharmacy Practice

Area of Interest:

Area of Interest : Pharmacovigilence, Clinical research, Pulmonology, Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacoepidemiology
Qualifications- M. Pharm (Clinical Pharmacy)

Brief profile and Achievements:

Brief profile and Achievements:

Research and Publications
S. No. Name of the Author Title of Paper/Book Published Name of the journal/Publication house Year of Publication Manuscript no./DOI
1 Ms. Shipra Omar Intellectual property rights World journal of pharmacy research 2022 10.20959/wjpr20225-24080
2 Ms. Shipra Omar Ototoxicity Induced by Anti Tubercular Drugs: A Brief Case Report International Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports 2022 https://dx.doi.org/10.51521/IJMCCR.2022.3301
3 Ms. Shipra Omar Effects of patient counseling on drug dose regime and medication compliance in asthma patients: a prospective study, Asian journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research 2021 https://doi.org/10.22159/ajpcr.2021.v14i7.41766
4 Ms. Shipra Omar Drug Induced Ototoxicity in Patient with Tuberculosis, International journal of current medical and pharmaceutical research 2021 http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/23956429.ijcmpr2021051009
5 Ms. Shipra Omar Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation: Cost minimization analysis of different brands of calcium supplements in Kanpur The pharma innovation journal 2018 https.//doi.org/10.23658/23498242.tpij201807007
6 Ms. Shipra Omar Nutrition and asthma The pharma innovation journal 2017 https.//doi.org/10.10159/22777695.tpij201706007
7 Ms. Shipra Omar A review on deep vein thrombosis Journal of pharmacy research 2017 https.//doi.org/10.20596/09746943jpr201701106