FACULTY - Department of Geology

Ms. Shalini Kumari

Area of Interest Geohydrology, Remote Sensing
Qualifications Ph.D.(Pursuing) and M.Sc. (Geology)

Awards and Achievements:

  • Presented various papers at National and International Conferences.

Assistant Professor

Designation : Assistant Professor Department of Geology shalinikumari@sgrru.ac.in
  • Area of Specialization:

    Palaeontology, Geohydrology, and Remote Sensing

Area of Interest:

Area of Interest Geohydrology, Remote Sensing
Qualifications Ph.D.(Pursuing) and M.Sc. (Geology)

Awards and Achievements:

  • Presented various papers at National and International Conferences.
Research and Publications
S. No. Name of the Author Title of Paper/Book Published Name of the journal/Publication house Year of Publication Manuscript no./DOI
1 Ms. Shalini Kumari Assessment of the environmental impact on the ecosystem of Doon–valley by auto workshops effluents Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier 2022 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221478532205825  
2 Ms. Shalini Kumari Reverse migratory behaviour of the earthquakes aftershock sequences along Himalayan Seismic Belt, Northwest Himalaya Quaternary International, Elsevier 2021 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1040618220308375?via%3Dihub
3 Ms. Shalini Kumari Reverse migratory behaviour of the earthquakes aftershock sequences along Himalayan Seismic Belt, Northwest Himalaya Quaternary Intentional Journal 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.12.016