FACULTY - Department of Agronomy


Area of Interest
Cultivation of Milletsss

Award and Achievement: 

Teaching experience of more than seven years in the field of agriculture. 08 research papers published, 01 book chapter and 03 books in various national and international reputed Journals and publishing houses. Paper presented in various national and international reputed conferences/seminars etc. Selected as Resource person in "Samvet Bharat- samvetan society for social and scientific research". Invited as a guest lecturer on ‘Organic Farming’ and ‘Apiculture’ by Samvet Bharat. Guided/guiding 08 M.Sc. Agronomy Research scholars.

Assistant Professor

Designation : Assistant Professor Department of Agronomy shagungupta@sgrru.ac.in
  • Area of Specialization:


Area of Interest:

Area of Interest
Cultivation of Milletsss

Award and Achievement: 

Teaching experience of more than seven years in the field of agriculture. 08 research papers published, 01 book chapter and 03 books in various national and international reputed Journals and publishing houses. Paper presented in various national and international reputed conferences/seminars etc. Selected as Resource person in "Samvet Bharat- samvetan society for social and scientific research". Invited as a guest lecturer on ‘Organic Farming’ and ‘Apiculture’ by Samvet Bharat. Guided/guiding 08 M.Sc. Agronomy Research scholars.
Research and Publications
S. No. Name of the Author Title of Paper/Book Published Name of the journal/Publication house Year of Publication Manuscript no./DOI
1 Ms. SHAGUN GUPTA Performance of herbicides in transplanted basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) International Journal of Chemical Studies 2019 1533-1556
2 Ms. SHAGUN GUPTA Effect of different herbicides on growth and yield of transplanted basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2019 1868-1871
3 Ms. SHAGUN GUPTA Analysis of chlorophyll content in Adiantumcapillus- venerisL. Growing in different habitats in doon valley and nearby areas. Asian Journal of Science and technology. 2019 8497-8501
4 Ms. SHAGUN GUPTA Analysis of chlorophyll content in Adiantumcapillus- venerisL. Growing in different habitats in doon valley and nearby areas. Asian Journal of Science and technology. 2019 8497-8501
5 Ms. SHAGUN GUPTA Nutritional importance of underutilized fruits: Spondiasaxillarisand Eriolobus indicia of Uttarakhand hills. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry,  2019 335-339
6 Ms. SHAGUN GUPTA Screening antibacterial efficacy and anticancer studies of A. vasicaleaf crude extracts for formulation of potential herbal drug. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry   2019 428-434
7 Ms. SHAGUN GUPTA A review on Ethnobotanical uses of some common plants in malti village, Uttarakashi,Uttarakhand. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology   2018 21276