News & Events


The School of Paramedical & Allied Health Sciences conducted a week-long programme to commemorate Health Awareness Week from May 8th to May 13th, 2024. Events included a poster competition (Day 1), a cleanliness drive (Day 2), a visit to the government inter college (Day 3), a visit to an NGO (Day 4), and a closing ceremony on May 13, 2024. The event began with a poster presentation by students to raise awareness about health and hygiene. Cleanliness Drive was an important aspect of the Health Awareness Week, followed by the implementation of health camps such as Basic Health Check-up, Physiotherapy Camp, Nukadd Natak, and Chart Representation. Camp provided free health check-up services to students, physiotherapy to senior persons, and educating kids about correct posture while studying for long hours. The Event was organized under the guidance of Respected Dean SPAHS and faculty members. The winners of Poster presentation were awarded in the Closing Ceremony followed by Speech and Dance performances.

Poster Competition Winners
Ist:- Ahana & Group BMRIT2nd year
IInd: Rachna BMRIT 2nd year
IIIrd: Alka Jahangir BMLT Ist Year
