News & Events

Fresher’s Party -2023

On October 7, 2023, the SBAS Auditorium came alive with excitement and anticipation as the School of Management and Commerce (SMCS) hosted its Fresher’s Party. This event marked the beginning of a thrilling journey for the newest members of the SMCS family, as they were warmly welcomed to the vibrant campus community.

Highlights of the Evening:

  • Welcoming Address: The event commenced with a heartfelt welcome address by the SMCS senior students. They extended warm wishes to the fresher’s and emphasized the importance of unity and growth within the SMCS community.
  • Cultural Performances: The day was filled with captivating cultural performances that showcased the rich diversity of the SMCS student body. Dances, music illuminated the stage, leaving the audience enthralled.
  • Interactive Games: Interactive games were organized. These activities encouraged students to interact, collaborate, and build friendships that would last a lifetime.
  • Photo Booths: Creative photo booths were set up, offering attendees the opportunity to capture memorable moments with their peers and faculty. Awards and Recognitions: Outstanding achievements were acknowledged as students and faculty were honored with awards and recognitions for their contributions to the SMCS community.

The Fresher’s party wasn't just about entertainment; it was a platform for the fresher’s to connect with their seniors, professors, and peers. Bonds were forged, and a sense of belonging was instilled, fostering a supportive atmosphere throughout the academic year.

