News & Events

Employbility Skills Training Programme

DAY 4: 12 OCT 2023 (THURSDAY)

TIME: 9:40AM - 3:40PM

Session 10 (1 hour 50 min)- " Interview"

  • Interviewer Focus Areas
  • Respondent Focus Areas
  • Kinds of Interview Questions:

Session 11 (2 hours 30min)- "Creativity & Innovation"

  • What is Creativity?
  • Where can we be creative?
  • Activity - Creating a products and it's Advertisement:
  • How can creativity be expressed?
  • Barrier comes when we adapt to New Creativity and Innovation
  • Video presentation of Avatar Movie to show Creativity and Innovation
  • Difference Between Innovation and Creativity
  • Fixed Mindset Vs Growth Mindset




Session 12 ( 1 hour 30 min)- " Professional Ethics"

  • Good qualities we love in people
  • Difference Between Values and Ethics
  • Professional Ethics with example
  • Six Pillars of Characters
  • Interview Channels/Platforms:
    • Face to Face / Offline Interview
    • Telephonic Interview
    • Virtual / Online Interview
    • Individual Interview
    • Panel Interview
    • Questions related to Self
    • Technical / Job related Questions(15%)
    • Analytical / Situational Questions(15%)
    • Behavioural Questions(70%)
    • Group Number - 04
    • Discussion Time- 10 minutes
    • Presentation Time - 4 minutes
  • Citizenship
  • Respect
  • Caring
  • Fairness
  • Responsibility
  • Trustworthiness
