News & Events

Employability Skills Training Programme - By Nandi Foundation

  • Trainer - Dr. Anubha Nagalia
  • SIX DAYS TRAINING - 9th October To 14th October
  • Time : 9 AM to 5PM

Shri Guru Ram Rai School of Education with the divine blessings of his holiness Honarable shri Devendra Dass Ji Maharaj and motivational support of Honorable Prof.Yashvir Diwan sir and Registrar sir able to organize six days workshop in collaboration with Naandi foundation. The programme began with welcome address by Dean SOE Prof.Malvika Kandpal and brief of programme by Coordinator Dr. Balbir Kaur HOD B.Ed. There will be continuous support of Dr.Anand Kumar, Dr.Rekha, Dr.Ritu, Dr.Priyanka, Dr.Rakhi

"Employability skills play an important role in one’s career. Professional skills are a person’s skill set and ability to perform a certain type of activity or task. Employability skills are a person’s ability to interact effectively with co-workers and customers. Hard skills are mainly applicable at the work place. Employability skills are applicable both at workplace and outside the work place. Employability skills complement the hard skills which are occupational requirement of a job. It also complements many other activities even outside the work place. Presently employability skills are increasingly sought out by employers in addition to standard qualification. There are instances of professions where employability skills proved to be more important, on a long term basis than occupational skills. Employability skills refer to behavior, communication, IT Skill, work ethics etc. which makes a person suitable to effectively work in a team. Studies suggest that employability skills are equally important indication of job performance as hard skills. The competency level of the worker increases with the Employability skills and takes him to the next level.

" EMPLOYBILITY SKILLS TRAINING PROGRAMME " focuses on different skills such as

How to be ready for Industry? Steps for Job Readiness Prepare ,Apply,Network,Perform Preparation of Resume and its elements, Difference between Resume, Biodata and CV,Different Job Portals for Applying ,Networking

"Money Management, Goal Setting, Time Management"

What is Needs, Wants and Desire?,Division of our income according to our Needs, Wants and Desire.,Difference between Goal and Desire,What is SMART GOAL?,Time Management in Personal and Professional Life,Priority Matrix in Urgent, Not Urgent, Important and Not Important.

" PPT -  Preparation and Presentation " What is MS word, PPT and Excel?,Difference between MS word, PPT and Excel,Requirements needed in PPT, Word and Excel.,Important elements of PPT,Points to be remembered in PPT preparation Interview Channels/Platforms:-Face to Face / Offline Interview,Telephonic Interview,Virtual / Online Interview,Individual Interview,Panel Interview Interviewer Focus Areas,Respondent Focus Areas, Kinds of Interview Questions:

"Creativity & Innovation" - What is Creativity? ,Where can we be creative?- Creating a products and it's Advertisement:-How can creativity be expressed?,Barrier comes when we adapt to New Creativity and Innovation-Video presentation of Avatar Movie to show Creativity and Innovation,Difference Between Innovation and Creativity,Fixed Mindset Vs Growth Mindset

" Professional Ethics" - Good qualities we love in people,Difference Between Values and Ethics Professional Ethics with example,Six Pillars of Characters:-Trustworthiness,Responsibility, Fairness,Caring,Respect,Citizenship. SGRR School of education greatly appreciates th effort of Trainer Dr. Anubha Nagalia that she religiously involved and trained the Bachelor Of Education students
