FACULTY - Department of Biotechnology

Dr. Naveen Gaurav

Area of Interest Plant Tissue Culture
Qualifications M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Designation : Associate Professor & Head Department of Biotechnology naveengaurav@sgrru.ac.in
  • Area of Specialization:


Area of Interest:

Area of Interest Plant Tissue Culture
Qualifications M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D.
Research and Publications
S. No. Name of the Author Title of Paper/Book Published Name of the journal/Publication house Year of Publication Manuscript no./DOI
1 Dr. Naveen Gaurav MASS CLONAL PROPAGATION OF MUCUNA PRURIENS (FABACEAE) AND AN ASSESMENT OF ITS PHYTOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 2021 https://www.ikprress.org/index.php/PCBMB/article/view/6377
2 Dr. Naveen Gaurav CURRENT SCENARIO AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES OF NANOTECHNOLOGY IN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND FOOD PRODUCTION Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 2021 https://www.ikprress.org/index.php/index/search/search
3 Dr. Naveen Gaurav Collection practices of himalayan medicinal plants (Nardostachys Jatamansi): Ancient, ayurvedic, traditional and present application International Journal of Botany Studies 2021 https://www.botanyjournals.com/search?keyword=Collection+practices+of+himalayan+medicinal+plants+%28Nardostachys+Jatamansi%29%3A+Ancient%2C+ayurvedic%2C+traditional+and+present+application
4 Dr. Naveen Gaurav Nyctanthes arbor-tristis: A traditional herbal plant with miraculous potential in medicine International Journal of Botany Studies 2021 https://www.botanyjournals.com/search?keyword=Nyctanthes+arbor-tristis%3A+A+traditional+herbal+plant+with+miraculous+potential+in+medicine
5 Dr. Naveen Gaurav Potentials and cultivation of bubble bush (Jatropha curcas Linn.) in human welfare: A review International Journal of Botany Studies 2021 https://www.botanyjournals.com/search?keyword=Potentials+and+cultivation+of+bubble+bush+%28Jatropha+curcas+Linn.%29+in+human+welfare%3A+A+review
6 Dr. Naveen Gaurav Some Potential and Effective Important Medicinal Plants for Cancer Treatment International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 2021 https://www.ijser.org/research-paper-publishing-may-2021_page3.aspx
7 Dr. Naveen Gaurav A review on experimental analysis and In vitro propagation of Nardostachys jatamansi European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience 2021 https://www.biosciencejournals.com/archives/2020/vol8/issue5/8-5-31
8 Dr. Naveen Gaurav Comparative study of antibacterial assay of Mentha piperita (in vivo and in vitro cultured) leaves extract on enveloped human pathogenic bacteria and its phytochemical screening Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2020 https://www.phytojournal.com/archives/2020.v9.i4.11662/comparative-study-of-antibacterial-assay-of-mentha-piperita-in-vivo-and-in-vitro-cultured-leaves-extract-on-enveloped-human-pathogenic-bacteria-and-its-phytochemical-screening
9 Dr. Naveen Gaurav Effect of Growth Regulators on In vitro Callusing of Wild Variteis of Withania somnifera in B5 Medium Indian Forester 2019 http://www.indianforester.co.in/index.php/indianforester/article/view/150642
10 Dr. Naveen Gaurav A review on in vitro propagation of medicinal plants Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018 https://www.phytojournal.com/archives/2018.v7.i6?page=39
11 Dr. Naveen Gaurav A review on biology and study of major viral diseases in banana The Pharma Innovation Journal 2018 https://www.thepharmajournal.com/archives/?year=2018&vol=7&issue=12&ArticleId=2823
12 Dr. Naveen Gaurav Assessment of Species Wise and Girth Wise Trees Number of TreesPer Hectare and Volume (m3) Per Hectare in Mukundpur Forest Range of Satna, Forest Division, Madhya Pradesh SCHOLARS WORLD -INTERNATIONAL REFEREED MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH 2017 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328699739_Assessment_of_Species_Wise_and_Girth_Wise_Trees_Number_of_Trees_Per_Hectare_and_Volume_m_3_Per_Hectare_in_Mukundpur_Forest_Range_of_Satna_Forest_Division_Madhya_Pradesh
13 Dr. Naveen Gaurav Ecological and conservation study of herbs in Mukundpur forest area, Satna District, Madhya Pradesh Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2017 http://www.phytojournal.com/archives/2017/vol6issue4/PartH/6-4-38-619.pdf