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FACULTY - Department of Seed Science And Technology

Dr. Girish Chandra

Area of Interest Seeds Production, Testing and Quality Control
Qualifications Ph.D

Award and Achievement: 

More than eight years of experience in teaching, research and seeds production. Published 31 Research Papers, 07 Book Chapters, 09 Articles in English, 04 Articles in Hindi in various national and international reputed Journals and Magazines. Paper Presented in 27 National and International conferences/seminars etc. Awarded ‘Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing Award’ in 2021 by Current journal of applied science and technology’ (Past name; British Journal of Applied Science and Technology), ‘Scientist of the Year Award-2020’ Green Agri Professional Society, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, ‘Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing Award’ 2020 by ‘Journal of Experimental Agriculture International’ (Past name; American Journal of Experimental Agriculture), ‘Outstanding Achievement Award-2017’, ‘Excellence in Teaching Award-2016’ by Society of Biotechnology, SHIATS, Naini, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, ‘Excellence in Teaching Award 2015’ by Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. Qualify ASRB-ICAR- NET 2014. Scientific advisor of Himalayan Institute for Sustainable Environment and Research Society (HISER), Guided/guiding 01 Ph.D. and 07 M. Sc. Research scholars.


Associate Professor

Designation : Associate Professor Department of Seed Science And Technology
  • Area of Specialization:

    Seed Science and Technology

Area of Interest:

Area of Interest Seeds Production, Testing and Quality Control
Qualifications Ph.D

Award and Achievement: 

More than eight years of experience in teaching, research and seeds production. Published 31 Research Papers, 07 Book Chapters, 09 Articles in English, 04 Articles in Hindi in various national and international reputed Journals and Magazines. Paper Presented in 27 National and International conferences/seminars etc. Awarded ‘Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing Award’ in 2021 by Current journal of applied science and technology’ (Past name; British Journal of Applied Science and Technology), ‘Scientist of the Year Award-2020’ Green Agri Professional Society, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, ‘Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing Award’ 2020 by ‘Journal of Experimental Agriculture International’ (Past name; American Journal of Experimental Agriculture), ‘Outstanding Achievement Award-2017’, ‘Excellence in Teaching Award-2016’ by Society of Biotechnology, SHIATS, Naini, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, ‘Excellence in Teaching Award 2015’ by Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. Qualify ASRB-ICAR- NET 2014. Scientific advisor of Himalayan Institute for Sustainable Environment and Research Society (HISER), Guided/guiding 01 Ph.D. and 07 M. Sc. Research scholars.

Research and Publications
S. No. Name of the Author Title of Paper/Book Published Name of the journal/Publication house Year of Publication Manuscript no./DOI
1 Dr. Girish Chandra Evaluation and identification of high yielding genotypes for varietal development in Amaranthus (Amaranthus spp.) Under hilly region of Uttarakhand Ecology, environment and conservation 2023
2 Dr. Girish Chandra Performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties under cold stress condition Indian Journal of Ecology 2023 50(2): 319-324
3 Dr. Girish Chandra Characterizations and evaluation of grain amaranth genotypes for morphological and seed quality traits Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 2023
4 Dr. Girish Chandra Estimation of Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic advance in Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.) The Pharma Innovation 2022 11 (3): 734-737
5 Dr. Girish Chandra Cure lies in nature: medicinal plants and endophytic fungi in curbing cancer 3 Biotech 2021 11 (06): 263-286
6 Dr. Girish Chandra Augmentation of growth and seed yield in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) through identifying optimum level of phosphorus application and weed management Crop Research 2021 56 (6): 301-307
7 Dr. Girish Chandra Effects of Biofertilizer with and without Molybdenum on Growth and Seed Yield of Chickpea under Doon Valley of Uttarakhand Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 2020 39 (15): 133-139
8 Dr. Girish Chandra Identification of suitable planting time for growth and yield of potato varieties in Dun valley of Uttarakhand Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2019 8(05): 577-580
9 Dr. Girish Chandra Evaluation of suitable planting time for higher yield of potato crop in tarai region of Uttarakhand Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Science 2018 7(04): 97-100
10 Dr. Girish Chandra A brief review of potash management in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018 1: 1718-1721
11 Dr. Girish Chandra Effect of nitrogen levels on yield, nitrogen uptake and efficiency of potato varieties under Tarai region of Uttarakhand The Bioscan 2017 12 (01): 515-519
12 Dr. Girish Chandra Split application of nitrogen in potato for maximum tuber yield and quality Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Science 2017 6 (1): 296-301
13 Dr. Girish Chandra Effect of planting dates on potato production in Tarai region of Uttarakhand The Bioscan 2017 12(3): 1795-1797
14 Dr. Girish Chandra Estimation of GCV, PCV, Heritability and Genetic Advance for yield and contributing characters in forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Progressive Research- An International Journal 2017 5 (4): 2506-2509
15 Dr. Girish Chandra Estimation of genetic components of variance for yield and its contributing characters in forage sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Science 2017 6 (1): 310-315
16 Dr. Girish Chandra Seed tuber yield, quality and storability of potato varieties with varying nitrogen levels in Tarai region of Uttarakhand Int. J. Current Res. 2017 9 (04): 49108-49112
17 Dr. Girish Chandra Estimation of Genetic Components and Evaluation of Hydrocyanic Acid Content in Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Using Different Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines Progressive Research- An Int. J. 2016 11 (VIII): 5597-5603
18 Dr. Girish Chandra Role of calcium fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of potato crop Progressive Research- An International Journal. 2016 11(V): 3623-3627
19 Dr. Girish Chandra Influence of different date of transplanting on seeds yield and seed quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.) under rainfed mid hill conditions of Uttarakhand Env. & Ecology 2015 33 (2A): 814-818
20 Dr. Girish Chandra Leaf Chlorophyll and Tuber Size of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as Influenced by Varieties and Nitrogen Levels in Tarai Region of Uttarakhand Elixir International Journal 2015 81: 31709-31713
21 Dr. Girish Chandra Production Potential of Potato cv Kufri Sadabahar As Influenced By Mode of Nitrogen Application Annals of Plant and Soil Research 2015 17 (5): 96-98
22 Dr. Girish Chandra Performance of onion (Allium cepa L.) Genotypes for growth, yield and quality under north Bihar agro-ecological conditions Annals of Plant and Soil Research 2015 17 (3): 97-100
23 Dr. Girish Chandra Leaf Chlorophyll and Tuber Size of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as Influenced by Varieties and Nitrogen Levels in Tarai Region of Uttarakhand Elixir International Journal 2015 17 (3): 97-100
24 Dr. Girish Chandra Performance of potato varieties with varying nitrogen levels for yield and yield contributing traits of tuber Annals of Plant and Soil Research 2015 17 (3): 15-18
25 Dr. Girish Chandra Genetic diversity among different A, B and R lines using SDS-Page in Sorghum Annals of Plant and Soil Research 2015 17 (2): 4-8
26 Dr. Girish Chandra Heterosis for Quality and Resistance Traits in Forage Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Elixir International Journal 2015 81: 31830-31834
27 Dr. Girish Chandra Effect of spacing and training levels on growth and yield of capsicum under polyhouse in North-Bihar condition Journal of Hill Agriculture 2014 5 (1): 09-12
28 Dr. Girish Chandra Performance of Capsicum Hybrids Uunder Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse in North Bihar Condition Env. & Ecology 2014 33 (3): 972-974
29 Dr. Girish Chandra Physiological and Biochemical Impact of Nitrogen on Potato Tuber Progressive Research: An Int. J. 2014 9: 570-573
30 Dr. Girish Chandra Correlation studies on seed yield and seed quality parameters of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italic L.) Advances in Life Sciences 2014 2 (1): 31-33
31 Dr. Girish Chandra Effect of transplanting Dates on Seed Yield and Seed Quality of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) Advances in Life Sciences 2014 2(2): 46-47
32 Dr. Girish Chandra Characters Association Studies In Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) Under Mid Hill of Uttarakhand The Asian Journal of Horticulture 2014 9 (1): 57-60