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Students Of SGRRU Distributed Charity Food By Annapurna Vehicle

A unique initiative has been pioneered by the National Service Scheme of Shri Guru Ram RaiUniversity. University Students, under the N.S.S. Cell, both boys and girls will travel everySaturday to the various parts of Dehradun with the charity food vehicle named as ‘Annapurna’and will distribute free of cost rations and food stuffs. The noble objective behind it is toinculcate the motivation and humane feeling of social service in the students under N.S.S. bothboys andgirls, to help thepoorand needy.

For this noble initiative, Chancellor of Shri Guru Ram Rai University, Shri MahantDevendraDas Ji Maharaj congratulated and showered hisdivine blessings over the faculty membersand students of N.S.S. cell. This information was provided by the In charge of National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) cell of Shri Guru Ram Rai University, Dr. Deepak Som.

On Saturday, Vice Chancellor of Shri Guru Ram Rai University, Dr.Uday Singh Rawat, flagged off the Annapurna vehicle by showing a green flag. On Saturday, the very first day ofthis operation, this Annapurna Charity Food vehicle went to the ChetnaBasti of Jakhan area of Dehradun. Here the team of N.S.S. Cell of SGRR University distributed the food stuffs tothe needy people free of cost. Dr. Deepak Som informed that on every week on Saturday, thisAnnapurna Charity Food Vehicle will go to different locations in Dehradun where needypeoplelive in considerable numbers.

 The students of N.S.S. Cell of ShriGuru Ram Rai University are rendering every help on    their own levels in the smooth and regular running of this Annapurna Charity Food Vehicle.He saidthatthisvehicle whichwilldistribute charity food willprovetrue toitsname‘Annapurna’ which means pious and satisfying food in Hindi language. He said that thelaunch of this Charity Food Vehicle is a unique humanitarian initiative of Shri Guru Ram RaiUniversity which will add one more feather in the already highly decorated cap of Shri GuruRamRai University
