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Celebration of Tree Plantation on Harela festival at SGRRU, Pathribagh

Harela is the festival of conserving nature; ensure sustainability and making ecology more viable. A tree plantation program was organized jointly by the School of Agricultural Sciences and the National Service Scheme Unit on the occasion of Harela Parv in Sri Guru Ram Rai University on Saturday. On this occasion, the Vice Chancellor, academic and non-academic staff of the university planted various fruit and medicinal trees. The Chancellor of the University, Shri Mahant Devendra Das Ji Maharaj, in his message sent on the Harela festival, said that green trees not only give life to life but also cure many diseases. Along with this, trees also fulfill many necessities of our life, so we should follow our responsibility towards nature. Nature keeps giving us something or the other every moment. We can express our gratitude towards nature by planting trees. Harela festival is a festival of connecting oneself with nature.

All the people of the society should participate at their own level in this campaign of tree plantation. On this occasion University Vice Chancellor Prof. U. S. Rawat said that we have to make efforts to preserve our forest and establish a balance between biotic and abiotic parameters. Tree plantation has an important role in environmental balance. Trees are worshiped in our culture. We can also save the environment for the future by planting more and more trees. That is why we should celebrate the festival of nature, Harela with great enthusiasm. Along with the academic curriculum, the university campus is working continuously for environmental protection and promotion of Garhwali language and culture. Along with this, the university is working for the all-round development of the students through an integrated education system. He said that the new education policy is going to connect us with education as well as environment, society, values ??and moral values. Patron of Anupam Sarva Seva Samiti said that trees have played an important role in saving people from corona. One tree is like a hundred children.

