News & Events

Alumni Lecture Report


 ALUMNI-Nitesh Kumar

Educational Background: Nitesh Kumar is an alumnus of our institution, having completed his Bachelor of Education (B.Ed). He is currently pursuing his Master of Education (M.Ed).

Lecture Details:

  • Date: 18 JULY2024
  • Time: 11AM

Dean School of education welcomed their Alumni and introduced him to B.Ed students, Mr. Nitesh shared his experiences and learning with the students. Thn he took lecture on the topic- 

Theme and Topic:

"Innovative Teaching Methods in Modern Education"

Introduction to Innovative Teaching Methods: Nitesh Kumar began the lecture by emphasizing the importance of adopting innovative teaching methods in modern education. He discussed how traditional methods, while still valuable, need to be complemented with new strategies to meet the needs of contemporary students.

  • Integration of Technology in Education: He highlighted the role of technology in transforming education. Tools like smart boards, online resources, and educational apps can enhance learning experiences and make education more accessible.
  • Student-Centred Learning: Nitesh stressed the importance of creating a student-centred learning environment. This approach involves understanding the individual needs of students and adapting teaching methods to cater to those needs, encouraging active participation and critical thinking.
  • Collaborative Learning: He shared insights on the benefits of collaborative learning. Group projects, peer reviews, and interactive activities help students learn from each other, develop teamwork skills, and foster a sense of community.
  • Continuous Professional Development: Emphasizing the need for educators to continuously update their skills, Nitesh discussed various professional development opportunities. Attending workshops, participating in webinars, and enrolling in further studies like an M.Ed can help teachers stay current with educational trends.
  • Challenges and Solutions: Nitesh also addressed the challenges faced in implementing innovative teaching methods, such as resistance to change, lack of resources, and the digital divide. He provided practical solutions and strategies to overcome these obstacles.
  • Real-Life Examples and Case Studies: He shared real-life examples and case studies from his own teaching experiences, illustrating the successful application of innovative methods in the classroom. These anecdotes helped to contextualize his points and provided practical insights for the attendees.

The lecture concluded with an interactive Q&A session where Nitesh Kumar addressed queries from the audience. He encouraged aspiring educators to be adaptable, lifelong learners and to embrace innovation in their teaching practices.


The feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive. Students and faculty appreciated the practical insights and motivational tone of the lecture. Many expressed a renewed enthusiasm for incorporating new teaching methods into their own educational practices.


We extend our gratitude to Nitesh Kumar for sharing his knowledge and experiences. His contributions are invaluable in inspiring the next generation of educators.

The lecture was attended by current students of the B.Ed and M.Ed programs, faculty members, and other alumni.

