News & Events

Rangoli & Poster Making Competition Organized by School of CA&IT


Rangoli is a traditional form that brightens up an occasion and is believed to be harbinger of good luck. Beautiful patterns are created on the floor using coloured rice, flowers, coloured sand or paints. Keeping up with this thought, the talent and creativity of the students was well brought out in an organized an event "The Soul Art" where we have Rangoli & Poster Making Competition on 17-Oct-2022, for the students of the SCAIT. The competition was held in two categories.

In Category I the students of all the four courses made colourful Rangoli patterns. The theme for the Rangoli Competition is "Festivals of India". Participants depicted their ideas of festivals in a colourful way. SCAIT corridor was full of beautiful rangolis. Top two teams were awarded with certificates and medals.

Winners of the Rangoli competition were:

  • 1st Position: Isha Rana, Goldy Bhandari [BCA 1st Sem]
  • 2nd Position (Tie): Alisha Qamar, Khushboo, Sania Saifi (BCA 1st Sem)

In Category II the students of all the four courses made beautiful and creative Poster on the theme "Sustainable Development". The poster making competition was held at  SCAIT ground floor, where participants depicted their ideas of "Sustainable Development". Various new ideas of were seen which left our judges confused on whom to award. Top two posters where awarded with certificates and medal. 


The winners of the Poster competition were:

  • 1st Position: Sneha  BCA 1st Sem
  • 2nd Position : Sonali Rawat BSc(IT) 1st Sem

The students put their best foot forward and took part in the competition with zest. Innovation and creation are the words that best describes their efforts. The event overall marked huge success which fun feedbacks from all participants and volunteers.

