News & Events

Organization of Guest Lectures on “Indian Agriculture Challenges and Prospects” at SGRRU, Pathribagh

A guest lecture was delivered by --------------at 11 AM in the SGRR lecture complex hall of Pathribagh campus during July 2019 on “Indian Agriculture Challenges and Prospects” and the entire agriculture faculty and about more than 100 students of B.Sc. (Hons.) agriculture was present.

Introductory remarks were briefly highlighted the agriculture scenario in India, the role of agricultural graduates in developing and refining the agro-ecologically sustainable, economically viable technologies and physically adaptable by the Indian farmers.  There is a need to create technical humans resources. ICAR, the central nodal agency for agriculture in India has recognized, B.Sc. Agriculture as professional degree. The agricultural graduate can be progressive farmers, start their own entrepreneur, can involve themselves in agro-based industries and go for higher education. The agriculture graduates will play key role in producing enough quality food and raw material for agro-based industries. At the same time to enhance the soil and water productivity. Present scenario of food and water availability in the world is the debatable issue with special reference to India. Elaboration of the modern technologies which can be easily adaptable by the farmers for enhancing the agriculture production like use of quality seed, irrigation technologies, and fertilizer management were discussed. Use of drones for application of agro-chemicals, and the role of Biocides and Allelopathy in controlling weeds were also explained among students. The role of agriculture machinery and its suitable modification to be used by marginal and small farmers further enhance the efficiency of applied and natural resources.

