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Intellectuals Support On Reform Of Utterances And Languages At SGRR University

Dehradun. Everyone must always remember his mother, his soil and his language. Current decade is the decade of knowledge. In this decade, language has selected knowledge. My language is my pride. There’s a need to spread this thought as a revolution in the whole country. Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Govt. of India is working on a national level for the formation, use and publicity of new terminology. Educationalists that included vice chancellors, language specialists, and intellectuals expressed ideas and shared knowledge over new researches on technical terminology and language. On the Second Day of the conference, eminent educationalists in one voice agreed over reform of utterances and languages, conservation and enrichment of languages. On this Second Day of the Conference, the researchers presented their research papers. 

On Saturday was the final day of the Two Days (27-28 October 2023) National Conference organized by School of Management and Commerce Studies of Shri Guru Ram Rai University. In the conference, Vice Chancellor, Doon University, Prof. (Dr.) Sulekha Dangwal participated as the Chief Guest. Whiel addressing the gathering at the occasion, she said that intellectuals from all over India must come forward and ensure their roles in the task of making the utterances and languages enriched and accessible. It’s the duty of intellectuals of the country. She said that the knowledge of English of a person can’t be parameter of the creativity of that person. She said that the era of colonialism has been ended in which only the English proficiency was considered as the parameter of intellectualness. She said that creativity is a very respectable team which cannot be limited just to the knowledge of a language. Even in one’s own language, professionals can successfully pursue their professional courses and then excel in it in the market. Countries like China, Japan and Germany are best examples of this.

Dean, School of Management and Commerce Studies, Shri Guru Ram Rai University and Co-ordinator of this National Conference, Prof. (Dr.) Pooja Jain in her lecture, gave detailed information about technical terminology in the discipline of higher education. Assistant Director, Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Govt. of India, J.S. Rawat gave information that the objective of the commission is that whatever new terminology and researches are being done by the commission must reach the common people by large scale publicity.

Vice Chancellor, Himalayan University, Prof. (Dr.) K.N. Jena presented many live examples by associating significance of language with psychology. He said that any language carries with itself a very long history.

Chief Speaker from I.I.T., Roorkee, in her address said that even in this 21st century, our country India is in the list of developing countries. She said that she agrees with the with the sentence ‘Samridhi se Siddhi Tak’ (Prosperity to Success) given by the prime minister. She also advocated the ‘Make in India’ movement of the Govt. of India. President, Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Govt. of India, Prof. (Dr.) Girish Nath Jha threw light over the various programmes being run by Commission of Scientific and Technical Terminology nationwide. 

A Vote of Thanks was given by Registrar, Shri Guru Ram Rai University, and Dr. Ajay Kumar Khanduri. 

