FACULTY - Department of Management

Dr. Deepak Sahni

Area of Interest Financial Management and Financial Services.
Qualifications PhD, M.Com, M.A, (Eco.) L.L.B.,PGDBM, ICWAI(I),UGC NET (Commerce)

Brief profile and Achievements:

Owning over 27 years of experience Dr. Deepak Sahni has participated and organized number of seminar and conferences. He has contributed in several research articles and papers of national and international level. He has also authored books entitled “Business finance “and Business Economics”. He has also served as a Registrar of the University for more than 2 years. As professor he has received Appreciation from IAS Academy on 5th September, 2016 for his outstanding contribution in the field of education in Uttarakhand. He has guided many research scholars for the award of Ph.D. He is a member of Editorial board “Vedaang” a bi-annual journal and an advisor in chief on “Prabandhnam” a bi-annual newsletter of the department of management.



Designation : Professor Department of Management
  • Area of Specialization:


Area of Interest:

Area of Interest Financial Management and Financial Services.
Qualifications PhD, M.Com, M.A, (Eco.) L.L.B.,PGDBM, ICWAI(I),UGC NET (Commerce)

Brief profile and Achievements:

Owning over 27 years of experience Dr. Deepak Sahni has participated and organized number of seminar and conferences. He has contributed in several research articles and papers of national and international level. He has also authored books entitled “Business finance “and Business Economics”. He has also served as a Registrar of the University for more than 2 years. As professor he has received Appreciation from IAS Academy on 5th September, 2016 for his outstanding contribution in the field of education in Uttarakhand. He has guided many research scholars for the award of Ph.D. He is a member of Editorial board “Vedaang” a bi-annual journal and an advisor in chief on “Prabandhnam” a bi-annual newsletter of the department of management.


Research and Publications
S. No. Name of the Author Title of Paper/Book Published Name of the journal/Publication house Year of Publication Manuscript no./DOI
1 Dr. Deepak Sahni “A Review of Cost Reduction Strategies – With Special Reference to Food and Beverage Industry in Uttarakhand” Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications  2023 Vol 72 No. 1 , ISSN: 2094-0343 2326-9865, Indexed In : Scopus 
2 Dr. Deepak Sahni “Need for Staff Training as a part of Strategic Costing in Tourism Oriented Restaurant Industry in Uttarakhand: A Review”. Journal of Stochastic Modeling & Applications  2022 Vol. 26 No. 3 Part - 12), ISSN: 0972-3641, Indexing: UGC, Research Gate, Worldcat,  A UGC Care approved Journal 
3 Dr. Deepak Sahni “Study of Nonperforming Assets of State Bank of India and their reduction before and after the enactment of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016”. Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy  2022 Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal, ISSN : 0973-0087, Vol. : XXIII, No:13UGC Care Group 1 Journal 
4 Dr. Deepak Sahni “Impact of Demonetization on Digital Banking –A Review ” International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development  2021 Volume–5, Issue–1, ISSN 2456-6470, page no: 46. 
5 Dr. Deepak Sahni “Impact of Demonetization on Cashless Payment System” Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI)  2021 Volume 12, Issue 7,  ISSN 1309-6591 pg: 6271- 6277, a Scopus Journal 
6 Dr. Deepak Sahni “An Empirical Study On Elderly Perspective Towards Reverse Mortgage In India” International Journal of Management (IJM)  2020

Volume 11, Issue 5,  ISSN Online: 0976-6510, Scopus Indexed 

7 Dr. Deepak Sahni " A Study of Investment Pattern of a Common Man: A Literature Review” International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development  2020 Volume–5, Issue–1, ISSN: 2456-6470, Scopus Indexed?Journal, page no: 1260-1263 
8 Dr. Deepak Sahni “A Study of Nonperforming Assets of Punjab National Bank and their reduction before and after the enactment of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016” Journal of Critical Reviews  2020

Vol 7, Issue 16, , ISSN- 2394-5125, 

UGC Care List Journal 

9 Dr. Deepak Sahni “Analytical study on association between income of the members of self-help groups and their demographics in Uttarakhand” International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management  2018 Vol no: 8, Issue No: 07, ISSN 2231-4245, Double- Blind Reviewed Journal 
10 Dr. Deepak Sahni “Financial Performance Evaluation of Indian Commercial Banks after merger and acquisition (A study with reference to selected merged banks in India)” Gurukul Business Review (GBR)   2018

Volume – 14, ISSN No. 0973-9262 An International Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal of FMS, 

page no. 26-36 

11 Dr. Deepak Sahni Pass Book to Passwords- An Evolution of Personal Banking Services By Uttarakhand Gramin Bank In Dehra Dun Region
Gurukul International Multidisciplinary research journal
2017 Issue 3, Vol 6, pg 49
12 Dr. Deepak Sahni “Financial Inclusion through Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)” – Dream or Reality Indian Journals.com 2017 Volume 17, Issue 4, pp- 310-315 
13 Dr. Deepak Sahni NPA Management in Indian Banking Sector Vedaang, a  Management Journal of SGRRITS 2015 Vedaang, a  Management Journal of SGRRITS
14 Dr. Deepak Sahni Comparative Study of Capital and Money Markets
Peer Reviewed International Journal of Asian 
Academic Research Associates Aarjsh Asian 
Academic Research Journal of  Social Science and Humanities 
2015 Vol 1, Issue 33, pg 63
15 Dr. Deepak Sahni Investment Strategies before and after Recession Vedaang, a  Management Journal of SGRRITS 2014 Vol 5, No 1, pg 53
16 Dr. Deepak Sahni Finance Sector and its role in the upliftment of Indian Economy International Journal of Social Science and Interdisciplinary Research 2014 Vol 3, (11), pg 130
17 Dr. Deepak Sahni The impact of Visual Merchandising on Impulsive Buying Behavior of Young Consumers Asian Journal of Business and Economics  2014 Vol 4, No 4, 2014, pg 1
18 Dr. Deepak Sahni A Study and Scope of SME’s in Uttarakhand and Problems faced by them Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 2013 Vol 1, Issue 15, pg 1
19 Dr. Deepak Sahni A Study on Role of SMES in Indian Economy ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research 2013 Vol 3 (12), pg 208
20 Dr. Deepak Sahni A Study on the Factors Affecting Pricing of India’s Ten Largest IPO’s Zenith International Research & Academic Foundation 2013 Vol 3 (8), Pg 110 
21 Dr. Deepak Sahni Behavioral Finance: Testing Applicability on Indian Investors Shiv Shakti International Journal of in Multidisciplinary and Academic Research 2012 Vol 1, No 2, pg 1
22 Dr. Deepak Sahni Investing in Gold- How to select the best option for an Indian Investor International Journal of Research in IT, Management and  Engineering 2012 Vol 2, Issue 9, pg 35  
23 Dr. Deepak Sahni Mergers and Acquisitions Prospectus Indian Banking Sector (A case of HDFC and Centurion Bank of Panjab) Vedaang, a  Management Journal of SGRRITS 2012 Vol 7, No 1, pg 33
24 Dr. Deepak Sahni Impact of Mergers and Acquisition in Indian Banking Sector(A case of ICICI Bank and Bank of Rajasthan) International Journal of Research in IT, Management 2012 Vol 2, Issue 12, pg 44