Yoga is a way of life that aids in spiritual exploration. A healthy body and a clear mind are prerequisites for the quest. The spiritual path has been travelled for thousands of years, and its practitioners have figured out how to make the body healthy and how to purify the mind. Yoga, which is primarily a practice that fosters spiritual growth, also provides greater physical and mental health as side effects. Spiritual development is not a topic that most people are as interested in as health and happiness. Yoga is not a system of medicine, but some aspects of it may be appropriate for use in a system of medicine.
The department was established in August 2018. Since then there has been a rapid growth in education quality as well as overall development of the students.
SGRR University is the only University that offers Bachelor’s, Masters as well as PhD courses in Yogic science.
The department has been well established in a way that the students have participated in many districts as well as national competitions and won many prizes and every year the Yogic department is gaining positive grounds.
Vision was to reestablish the lost treasure of our Indian culture as well as the knowledge through the studies of ancient texts that contains the secrets and concept of modern theories and principles, through Yogic Science.
Yoga education can supplement school and university education. It can prepare the students physically and mentally for the integration of their physical, mental and spiritual faculties so that the students can become healthier, smarter and more integrated members of the society and of the nation.
Yoga education helps in self-discipline and self-control, leading to immense amount of awareness, concentration and higher level of consciousness. Briefly the aims and objectives of Yoga education are:
To enable the student to have good health.
To practice mental hygiene.
To possess emotional stability.
To integrate moral values.
To attain higher level of consciousness.
All these objectives could be dealt with in an integrated manner.
Yoga education could help to equip oneself with basic knowledge about one’s personality, to learn to handle oneself well in all life situations, to learn techniques of gaining good health, to develop a discriminative mind capable of knowing the real from the unreal and to face the dualities of life with equanimity.